Website Links

This is a list of websites and tools that can be incredibly useful, not just in math but for college as well (and some are just plain fun!).  We encourage you to access them to the best of their abilities!

               College Board
This tool is composed of more than 5,900 schools, colleges, universities and other educational organizations.  You can pay for standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, etc. online via College Board, and immediately access available test scores.  With a multitude of planning guides, surveys, college profiles, major and minor descriptions, it is a resource every college-bound students should access. 

               Graphing Calculator
When in Algebra 2, a graphing calculator is strongly recommended for solving homework, but it can be expensive and easily lost. Check out this online graphing calculator used by Salman Khan of Khan Academy, a free downloadable version at

               Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a not-for-profit educational organization created in 2006 by MIT grad and former hedge fund-manager-turned-educator Salman Khan.  The organization's mission is to "provide high quality education to anyone, anywhere" and numerous Pre-Calculus related videos will be linked and added onto this blog.  In his storage of 2,600+ videos, subjects include mathematics, history, SAT questions, physics, chemistry, biology, economics, and computer science--to name a few. 

               Tillamook School District #9
Curious about your school district, its staff, and how it operates?  Check out School District #9's official webpage! Get better acquainted with the administrators who continue to smoothly operate the District behind the scenes.